Rinnovata la partnership tra VisMederi e Emma Villas Siena

Per il terzo anno consecutivo si rinnova la partnership tra VisMederi e Emma Villas Siena, la squadra di volley maschile che milita in serie A2. Due realtà di successo del territorio senese che vedono proseguire la loro collaborazione anche per la prossima stagione sportiva, la...
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VisMederi: the new corporate structure presented

VisMederi Srl, the Tuscan Company operating in the field of Life Sciences and Public Health, has announced its new corporate structure today. The agreement on reorganization completed in recent days involved the sale to Prof. Emanuele Montomoli of the 66.66% shares previously...
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VisMederi, new collaboration with Eurocine Vaccines

Vid sidan av mat och dryck har italienska Toscana gjort sig känd som en av Europas tätaste Bioregioner. Med sina tre universitet – Florens, Pisa och Siena – och forskning i världsklass är det ett av de mest framstående klustren inom Life Science. Många läkemedelsbolag har därför...
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VisMederi at the international Vaccine Summit in London

VisMederi joins an international meeting, the 2015 Vaccine Summit in the UK, that will be held in London from today to 15th October. For the third year, this international interdisciplinary event is an open forum for discussion of all scientific and clinical aspects of vaccine...
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VisMederi at the international conference IVW 2015 “Influenza vaccines for the world”

Simona Piccirella and Emanuele Montomoli, respectively Scientific director and Chief operating officer of VisMederi, will speak at the international conference that will be held in Albufeira , Portugal, from 6 to 9 October. Influenza Vaccines for the World – IVW 2015 is the fifth...
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Discovered mechanism connecting influenza and narcolepsy, Montomoli in the research team

An international research team coordinated by the Research Center of Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics srl (company of GSK Group), has discovered the mechanism that develop narcolepsy after an influenza or an influenza vaccination in subjects genetically predisposed. The study...
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VisMederi alla BIO Convention 2015 di Filadelfia

C’è anche VisMederi tra le imprese italiane in vetrina dal 15 al 17 giugno alla BIO International Convention di Filadelfia, il più importante evento mondiale del biopharma. L’appuntamento, che riunisce i top decision-maker del settore, si terrà in Pennsylvania, stato degli...
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VisMederi is financially healthy – 2014 turnover reaches 1.6 million Euro

VisMederi has obtained positive results in 2014, proving to be internationally competitive in the offer of qualified services in the field of Life Sciences. The Company, founded in Siena in 2009 by Chiara Gentile, Emanuele Montomoli and Simona Piccirella, closed the financial...
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